Using Human Glucosamine for Dog Treatment
Dogs can also have similar health situations that humans have. Diseases affect everyone who has life; may it be plants, animals and humans. Arthritis is one of the most painful conditions that our pets can acquire, which can even possibly debilitate some of their functions. As the dog ages, its risk of developing arthritis increases because of cartilage deterioration. The major factor that causes such condition is the production of glucosamine. This is a natural substance that protects and lubricates the joints. In the early stages of a dog's life, glucosamine is produced abundantly until it no longer sufficiently provides to meet the demands. Some of the signs of arthritis can include limping or inability to jump, go up and down the stairs, stand and lie down. With the hope of relieving pain and improving mobility, debates still exist as to whether it is possible to administer human glucosamine for dogs. Medicinal supplements are available for consumption on either humans or ani...